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Articles on Employment

Displaying 441 - 460 of 653 articles

Giving a reference is protected, in defamation law, by the common-law defence of qualified privilege. shutterstock

Can you sue someone for giving you a bad reference?

In many cases, a reference will contain negative things about its subject. This is part of a reference’s design: the referee should give a full and frank assessment.
Australian sport may only account for 1.6% of total household spend, but its macro impact on the economy is strong. from

Sport is more than just a fringe player in Australia’s economy

Australian sport will never have the commercial clout to bring the economy out of recession or solve a regional unemployment problem. But it is more than a fringe player in the economic game.
Labour force surveys and the Census just aren’t getting it right when it comes to the crucial task of measuring employment. Census WA/AAP

We need to find new ways to measure the Australian labour force

The ABS’ labour force survey is more than 50 years old. We need a new way of measuring employment for a new modes of work.
How does Australia’s economic growth shape up against the G7 countries? AAP Image/Joe Castro

FactCheck: what are the facts on jobs and growth in Australia?

Ahead of the Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, minister for defence industries Christopher Pyne said a lot of jobs were created in 2016 and Australia has the highest growth rate in the G7. Is that true?
A hiker perched at the top of Tasmania’s Tarkine wilderness. AAP Image/ Jenny Archer

There’s hope for Tasmania in the post-mining boom era

the end of the mining boom has breathed new life into parts of the Tasmanian economy. But there are also several worrying indicators – like population growth and unemployment – to be addressed.

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