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Articles on Employment

Displaying 421 - 440 of 653 articles

With every round of redundancies, significant questions arise around the long-term viability of mainstream news media in Australia. AAP/David Moir

Life after redundancy: what happens next for journalists when they leave newsrooms

There is lingering anger among journalists made redundant that expertise and experience seem to have become disposable assets in newsrooms.
Over a period in which the Australian economy saw around 600,000 additional people get jobs, employment in the renewables sector has been going backwards. AAP Image/City of Sydney, Damian Shaw

Three charts on: the incredible shrinking renewable energy job market

Estimates released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggest that the number of direct full-time equivalent jobs in renewable energy activities has continued to fall from its 2011-12 peak.
University students experiment with human-robot interaction and autonomous manipulation, two elements of manufacturing’s future. Nikolaus Correll

To really help US workers, we should invest in robots

Today, the U.S. is leading the robotics revolution. But without timely investment, China will overtake us, and could permanently put Americans out of work.
Businesses are expanding into new markets, so employees increasingly have to move between different geographical locations.

Tax laws are not keeping up with our globally mobile workforce: new research

New research finds there are significant risks and uncertainties in the complexities of national and international tax systems as applied to internationally mobile employees.
Hospitality workers, along with fast food and retail workers, will have Sunday and public holiday rates cut under the decision. Lukas Coch/AAP

Cutting Sunday penalty rates will hurt young people the most

The Fair Work Commission’s latest decision to cut certain Sunday and public holiday penalty rates continues a tradition of undervaluing young workers.

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