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Articles on Aviation

Displaying 121 - 140 of 225 articles

What a novelty: Qantas chief Alan Joyce and WA Premier Colin Barnett announce the new non-stop route. AAP Image/Angie Raphael

Perth to London non-stop: great for travellers, but little help for emissions

Qantas’s new non-stop route from Perth to London might be a watershed for travel times between Australia and Europe. But super-long-haul routes won’t do much to cut aviation’s greenhouse emissions.
Australia has been cognisant of the challenges aviation security poses. AAP/Britta Campion

Just how safe are Australia’s airports?

That Australia has not suffered a successful terrorist attack on its aviation industry is testament to the resilience of our security system.
Birds are more dangerous to aircraft than drones. kvoloshin/flickr

Are drones really dangerous to airplanes?

Drones don’t pose much of a risk to traditional aviation. Our research shows that collisions with manned aircraft are far more likely to involve a bird.

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