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Articles on Junk food advertising

Displaying 1 - 20 of 44 articles

Supermarkets may discount junk foods to capitalise on the ‘impulse buy’. From

Supermarkets put junk food on special twice as often as healthy food, and that’s a problem

Our new study finds in Australian supermarkets, the lower the health star rating, the higher the discounts. The time is ripe for a national conversation about making discounts healthier.
Why have successive federal governments not regulated junk food marketing to control obesity? The reasons aren’t as obvious as you might think. from

Fat nation: the rise and fall of obesity on the political agenda

No wonder obesity is a tough public health issue for governments to deal with. Our research has uncovered a range of barriers to tackling it, some more obvious than others.
Early detection and treatment of diabetes can be life-saving, but prevention by adopting healthier diets and lifestyle is even better. Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

How South Africa can beat its sugar-fuelled diabetes epidemic

Being able to buy processed “food-like” products is often seen as a mark of personal and material success. Little attention is paid to having a healthy diet.
Most people aspire to eat a healthy diet. But things change when we get to the supermarket. Vladyslav Starozhylov/Shutterstock

How we get sucked in by junk food specials in supermarkets

Three in five Australian adults get sucked in by promotions and specials on junk food and sugary drinks at the supermarket, research released today shows.

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