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Articles on Wildlife

Displaying 341 - 360 of 656 articles

Pangolins have been found with covonaviruses that are genetically similar to the one afflicting humans today. Jekesai Njikizana/AFP/Getty Images

How deforestation helps deadly viruses jump from animals to humans

Yellow fever, malaria and Ebola all spilled over from animals to humans at the edges of tropical forests. The new coronavirus is the latest zoonosis.
Burning confiscated elephant ivory and animal horns in Myanmar’s first public display of action against the illegal wildlife trade, Oct. 4, 2018. Ye Aung Thu/AFP via Getty Images

Can Asia end its uncontrolled consumption of wildlife? Here’s how North America did it a century ago

In the 1800s, Americans hunted many wild species near or into extinction. Then in the early 1900s, the US shifted from uncontrolled consumption of wildlife to conservation. Could Asia follow suit?
Anton Darius/Unsplash

One cat, one year, 110 native animals: lock up your pet, it’s a killing machine

Roaming pet cats kill 390 million animals per year in Australia. Most of the animals are native to Australia.
During coronavirus lockdowns, gardens have served as an escape from feelings of alienation. Richard Bord/Getty Images

The impulse to garden in hard times has deep roots

What drives people to garden isn’t the fear of hunger so much as hunger for physical contact – and a longing to engage in work that is real.
Wildlife markets, where live animals are sold and slaughtered, are an integral part of the global wildlife trade. GettyImages

What is the wildlife trade? And what are the answers to managing it?

Ecological systems are at breaking point and a global economic collapse is under way. It’s time to invest in risk mitigation to prevent another COVID-type disaster.

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