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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 601 - 625 of 2781 articles

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Making Australian research free for everyone to read sounds ideal. But the Chief Scientist’s open-access plan isn’t risk-free

The idea is publicly funded Australian research should be free for the public to read when published. But if it means taking money from universities struggling for research funding, that poses risks.

Unis are using artificial intelligence to keep students sitting exams honest. But this creates its own problems

The pandemic has driven the rapid uptake of programs that use artificial intelligence to monitor students sitting exams remotely. New research highlights the need for caution in its use.
Claudio Furlan/AP/AAP

The climate crisis gives science a new role. Here’s how research ethics must change too

Research ethics focus on avoiding wrongdoing, having been developed largely in response to biomedical scandals. Climate change puts the onus on researchers to add ‘do good’ to ‘do no harm’ principles.

Early childhood educators feel burnt out and undervalued. Here’s what we can do to help

The pandemic highlighted Australia’s reliance on early childhood educators, while adding to their existing stresses. A study of how educators fared identifies three key factors in their well-being.
Lukas Coch/AAP

10 things every politician should know about history

Education Minister Alan Tudge has rejected the draft history curriculum. He wants students to learn that ‘we live in the greatest country on Earth’. That’s not history. It’s jingoistic nationalism.