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Articles on Psychology

Displaying 841 - 860 of 1881 articles

Ian West/PA Wire/PA Images

Why do people believe in curses?

From Strictly Come Dancing to the Tour de France ‘curses’ have rational explanations. Here, psychologists discuss why belief in them persists.
The American Survival Research Foundation offered a reward of $1,000 for cracking one of Thouless’s two codes within three years of his death. It was not claimed.

Cryptology from the crypt: how I cracked a 70-year-old coded message from beyond the grave

Computer capabilities have boosted our decryption technology to great heights. How will the future compare to a past, one in which codes were thought to be a means of communicating after death?
Dwelling on the past, like writing in a diary, is part of being human and helps us form our identity. But not all memories are helpful. from

Why do I dwell on the past?

Remembering past events, experiences or emotions is a big part of being human. But if dwelling on the past is distressing, here’s what you can do to help.
Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin and Franklin D Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference, 1945. Wikipedia

Who won the war? We did, says everyone

New research suggests people from Germany, Russia, the UK and US all think their own country was the most important in World War II.
The research doesn’t say what some lawmakers suggest every time there’s a mass shooting. Fredrick Tendong/Unsplash

Stop blaming video games for mass killings

On the whole, results from psychology research studies don’t support a direct connection between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior.

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