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Culture + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2526 - 2550 of 3150 articles

Our decision-making and conduct is influenced by what we read, see or hear. (Shutterstock)

Why we see hope for the future of science journalism

Science is a part of everyday life. Science journalists can do more to connect science to the public.
An early comics book writer inspired today’s TV writing. The Umbrella Academy (Netflix), based on the comic book by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, tops binge-worthy TV lists this month. Mary J. Blige plays Cha-Cha, an assassin that can travel through time. Christos Kalohoridis / Netflix

How an X-Men writer inspired binge-worthy, character-driven TV from Buffy to Game of Thrones

Our current golden age of TV storytelling is influenced by comic books, in particular, one writer: Chris Claremont pushed boundaries and gave audiences strong female leads and deeply involved dramas.
Huseyin Celil is seen here with one of his youngest children in this 2006 photo taken shortly before his arrest. Creative Commons

The forgotten Canadian languishing in a Chinese jail

Another case involving an even more egregious violation of international law by China against Canada languishes largely forgotten. Huseyin Celil, a Canadian citizen, has been in jail since 2006.
In this October 2015 photo, German federal police officers guide a group of migrants on their way after crossing the border between Austria and Germany. Once granted citizenship, newcomers face near-impossible hurdles to reunite their families. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)

Citizens in the West should care about discriminatory immigration policies

It’s important to unearth how discriminatory immigration policy, largely invisible to the general public, undermines citizens’ rights and position.
The South Korean government has decided to dim its office lights at 7 p.m. and shorten its work week hoping to encourage young people to date again. A favourite lover’s activity is to put a lock on Namsan mountain’s Seoul Tower to declare love. Shutterstock

Why young people in South Korea are staying single despite efforts to spark dating

South Korea is facing a low fertility trend. Valentine’s Day serves as a reminder to help ease the domestic burden on young women so they can consider partnerships again.
Toronto school board data reveals that Black, racialized and lower-income students face significant gaps in student outcomes. Nik Shuliahin /Unsplash

Racialized student achievement gaps are a red-alert

In examining and addressing opportunity gaps for racialized students in schools, school boards must learn to account for present-day and historical inequities.
Venezuelan citizens rest after they arrive in La Parada, on the outskirts of Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela, Feb. 5, 2019. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)

Venezuela: Denial of food is a human rights crime

Food shortages in Venezuela are a result of draconian government policies and should be declared an international crime against humanity.
An ad for the city of Las Vegas features a lesbian couple who decide to get married. Ads featuring same-sex couples face a backlash, particularly from conservative consumers, but there are ways to make them more accepted. YouTube

Out of the closet: Easing the backlash against same-sex couples in advertising

Most North American consumers generally prefer advertising with male-female couples rather than same-sex couples. But changes in how brands frame the messages of advertisements could change that.
The Gender Tracker Tool is used to see how well Canadian media is representing women’s voices. This stock photo depicts an example of journalists interviewing a female source. Shutterstock

Tracking the gender gap in Canadian media

The Gender Gap Tracker uses computational linguistics techniques to analyze how women are mentioned and quoted in Canadian media.
Various vegetables are on display at the Jean Talon Market in Montreal as the new Canada Food Guide was unveiled. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

In defence of Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide makes nutrition recommendations. But the revamped guide does much more. It directs us to consider the broader set of circumstances —the social determinants —of how we eat.