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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 676 - 700 of 1097 articles

A woman claps above a banner reading “everything will be all right,” in Rome. This phrase has appeared on social media and at balconies and windows across Italy as the country faces coronavirus. (Roberto Monaldo/LaPresse via AP)

What is solidarity? During coronavirus and always, it’s more than ‘we’re all in this together’

The word ‘solidarity’ is echoing around the world in the COVID-19 pandemic. But where does the term come from and what does it really mean?
Secondary and post-secondary education systems will both need assessment and grading practices that reflect the realities of schooling in an emergency. (Shutterstock)

What will happen to school grades during the coronavirus pandemic?

In a social emergency due to COVID-19, schools are moving into uncharted territory where student assessment will need to flexibly and equitably adapt to changing circumstances.
Elementary school student Adrian Zak works with his teacher online in Vienna, Austria, March 25, 2020. The Austrian government has restricted freedom of movement for people in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. AP Photo/Ronald Zak

Coronavirus isn’t the end of ‘childhood innocence,’ but an opportunity to rethink children’s rights

These are difficult and dire times, but holding on to the myth of childhood innocence won’t make this crisis any easier.
Pro-China counter-protesters, wearing red, shout down a man in a black shirt during a rally for Hong Kong in Vancouver in August 2019. The University of British Columbia is taking measures to enhance respectful dialogue over Hong Kong divisions. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Can we talk? Bridging campus divides over Hong Kong

Improving the China-Canada diplomatic relationship is fraught with hurdles, but it’s not impossible. At minimum, we must understand the root cause of the problem from multiple vantage points.
Universities and colleges cancelling in-person classes will need more than technology to have the capacity to offer flexible education. (Shutterstock)

Coronavirus pushes universities to switch to online classes — but are they ready?

Online learning can help universities quickly adapt to COVID-19, but policy makers must pay careful attention to student experiences and take a critical view of technology companies’ claims.
In-class and face-to-face experiences are uniquely valuable for students and should be protected at all costs. Here, Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce speaks at at Queen’s Park in Toronto on March 3, 2020. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn)

Mandatory e-learning is a problem in Ontario high schools

Forcing parents or students to opt out of mandatory e-learning will only serve to normalize Ontario’s push to cut costs at the expense of what’s best for young people.
Protesters join a demonstration organized by teachers’ unions outside the Ontario Legislature, in Toronto, as four unions hold a province-wide education strike on Feb. 21, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Canada’s high schools are underfunded and turning to international tuition to help

After years of neoliberal policies eroding the tax base to pay for high schools, mandatory online learning curriculum from classrooms could be the next international money-maker.
Québec Premier François Legault responds to the Opposition during question period, Feb. 7, 2020, at the legislature in Québec City. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jacques Boissinot

Québec’s Bill 40 further undermines the province’s English-language school system

Ontario and New Brunswick francophones have spoken out against Québec abolishing English school boards, fearing this could set a negative precedent for French language education rights across Canada.
Young people stand on the steps of the Alberta legislature during the climate strike in Edmonton in 2019. Youth are often seen as problems rather than as people who are creating solutions. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Amber Bracken

What we don’t understand about young people’s motivations

Young people are often seen as lacking but research shows they’re motivated by their concern for future generations.
Lack of access to quality reading instruction and early diagnoses and intervention of reading disorders can have significant, long-lasting effects. (Shutterstock)

Reading struggles? Don’t wait to advocate for your child

Early intervention with reading challenges has very high success rates for supporting reading development, but it is much more difficult to improve reading skills in older students.