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Artículos sobre Mental health

Mostrando 1541 - 1560 de 2055 artículos

What does it say about our loose use of the term ‘bullying’ if the most powerful man in the world can claim to be a victim? OLIVIER DOULIERY / POOL/EPA/AAP

Do we claim ‘bullying’ too often?

June was a banner month for bullying. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump was in the thick of it. His offensive tweets about MSNBC co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough are Exhibit A. Adrienne Watson…
A photo entitled “Apprehension” is part of the Still Here project at the University of British Columbia’s Men’s Health Research Program. The project uses photos to engage gay and bisexual men who have previously struggled with suicide.

Why do so many gay and bisexual men die from suicide?

Pride Month: It’s time to talk about the shockingly high rate of suicide among gay and bisexual men. Photos and stories in the Still Here project document the complex reasons.
Legacies of genocidal phases have scarred the Aboriginal psyches. AAP/Neda Vanovac

Could there be a link between genocide and suicide?

Very little is known about suicide and suicide attempts during modern genocides – but we do know there is an aftermath of suicide among victims.

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