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Artículos sobre Teacher training

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 112 artículos

Not every teaching graduate will find permanent work. It’s time to weigh up your options. from

Should I stay or should I go? The dilemma for unemployed teachers

Of the 15,000 newly graduated teachers, less than half will find permanent employment in Australia. Now’s the time to decide if you stay on to do casual teaching or work abroad.
The year’s nearly ended, but we’re still not sure how to best fund our universities. from

2015, the year that was: Education

2013 was the year of Gonski; 2014 the year of higher education reform; 2015 has been the year of … hmmm … wait, what actually happened this year? Just a lot of chat really, with much debate, but little…
Trainee teachers at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology during a digital storytelling session. Janet Condy/CPUT

Being human today: sharing stories to shape teachers

Once they graduate, they’ll educate South Africans of all race groups – so what happens when student teachers don’t mix across racial lines? A digital storytelling project is bridging gaps.
Trainee teachers may need a lot of convincing. Stefan Wemuth/PA Wire

Why teachers should be sceptical of a new College of Teaching

Barely one month after the current government was elected in 2010, the secretary of state for education Michael Gove announced the abolition of the General Teaching Council for England. Now, only a few…
Will the kids have to take over? Child at board via Vladimir Melnikov/Shutterstock

Hard Evidence: is a teacher shortage looming?

Recruitment of student teachers to begin training in 2015 is well underway, and the government hopes it will lead to well over 30,000 new teachers entering the profession in England. But data from the…
Not just for gathering dust. Man blowing dust via Luis Louro/Shutterstock

Why important education research often gets ignored

Teachers’ professional development is “fragmented, occasional and insufficiently informed by research”. These were the conclusions of a recent British Educational Research Association (BERA) and Royal…
Teaching should keep on giving. clevercupcakes

Carter review of teacher training needs wider scope

As debates rage about the best way to organise teacher training and whether teachers should be qualified at all, the findings of the ongoing Carter Review of Initial Teacher Training will be closely scrutinised…
I learnt a new technique to teach you that. David Davies/PA Archive

Teachers need quality time set aside to keep learning

Teachers in England have good access to free courses aimed at improving the quality of their lessons, but many are opting for shorter workshops, rather than the long-term qualifications more common in…

On the subject of subjects

Subjects need to be seen once again for what they are. They are divisions of human knowledge made in order to advance knowledge in universities or to teach existing knowledge in schools. Academics and…

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