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Artículos sobre Turmeric

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Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which might reduce your risk of heart disease. If you eat 150-300 in a day, that is. Andrew Welch/Unsplash

These 5 foods are claimed to improve our health. But the amount we’d need to consume to benefit is… a lot

We often hear eating specific foods can help prevent disease. But these claims are best taken with a grain of salt (or turmeric). The benefits are likely only if we eat them in really huge quantities.
Undue emphasis on individual nutrients rather than on the diet as a whole leads to an unhealthy reductionism that has no scientific basis. U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr

Health Check: eat food, not (blockbuster) nutrients

Turmeric is said to be the latest “blockbuster nutrient”, helpful for “everything from heart disease to Alzheimers, asthma to arthritis.” But is there any scientific evidence behind this claim, or is it…

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