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The EVA Lanxmeer development in the Netherlands provides a model for how to incorporate green infrastructure in all aspects of the planning process. Tony Matthews

Here’s how green infrastructure can easily be added to the urban planning toolkit

Green infrastructure can be delivered relatively easily using existing planning processes. The main obstacle could be psychological: planners are wary of disruption to embedded practices.
Eating a typical Western diet high in fat and sugar is bad for our memory, including remembering whether or not we’re full. from

High fat and sugar diets stop us from feeling full

When we eat a meal, we take for granted that we should feel full afterwards. But eating a diet high in sugar and fat makes it harder for our body to tell if we are full or not.
X rarely marks the spot, but that doesn’t mean treasure hunters should lose hope.

Lost treasures and how to find them

People love a lost treasure story. Whether it’s a Rembrandt in the attic, sunken loot or an entire missing reef, part of us wants to believe there’s riches just around the corner.
How helpful is it for teachers to know how many times students have uploaded files, tweeted or participated in chat rooms? from

Data collected about student behaviour doesn’t help improve teaching or learning

Schools and universities pump lots of time and money into collecting data on learning analytics, but there is no research to show that such data actually helps to improve learning outcomes.
People enjoy the green space of parks, but often their activities are of a fairly passive nature. AAP/Bimal Sharma

Most people just park themselves, so how do we promote more healthy activity in public parks?

Parks are found in most neighbourhoods, generally free to use and are enjoyed by diverse groups. Although most visitors don’t use parks for physical activity, modest improvements can change that.
Inflammation in your stomach and intestinal tract causes diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping and pain.

Health Check: what to eat and drink when you have gastro

Oral rehydration is the cornerstone of treatment for gastro, especially if you’re suffering from mild to moderate dehydration.
Do the holes in the banner carried by these Vietnam veterans during an Anzac Day parade in Canberra make any difference? AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Do wind vent holes in banners make a difference? We used a wind tunnel to find out

Attend any ANZAC Day parade and you might see people carrying banners with holes cut in them. They’re supposed to cut any drag or wind resistance but do they do any good?
Prince performs on stage at Yas Arena in Yas Island, 2010. Jumanah El-Heloueh

Prince: a pop chameleon whose music contained multitudes

Despite Prince’s many transformations – musically and visually – he extended his signature energy over 39 albums. His broad sonic church attracted fans from every walk of life.