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Articles on Fitness

Displaying 61 - 80 of 238 articles

Many women feel there is inadequate support for exercise after the birth of a child, stating a need for more information from health-care professionals about guidelines for returning to physical activity. (Shutterstock)

Returning to exercise postpartum: Supporting women’s physical activity after the birth of a child

When asked about postpartum exercise, women were curious about strategies and recommendations for physical activity after the birth of a child, including finding the time, energy and motivation.
Political cartoons and memes have made it clear that if there’s something to agree about on all sides of the political spectrum, its that fat people are an easy target. (Shutterstock)

Mask or no mask: Stop using fat people in political cartoons

Fat people need to be empowered to critique the very groups so willing to instrumentalize their bodies for political gain.
Health goals are among the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but failing to stick to them is so common that it has become a cliché. (Shutterstock)

Got health goals? Research-based tips for adopting and sticking to new healthy lifestyle behaviours

Over half of people who intend to make healthy lifestyle changes fail to do so. Understanding the automatic tendencies that prevent people from enacting a new health habit can help them stick to it.
Behavioral science researchers have found that people tend to have more positive body self-images when they appreciate the body for what it can do – not just how it looks. Tempura/E+ via Getty Images

The COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to make a healthy shift in body ideals

For many, the pandemic has disrupted daily habits around eating and fitness – which makes it a prime time to shake up old assumptions about achieving an ideal body.
Many workplace fitness facilities — like standing desks, on-site gyms and showers, and easy access to walking paths — are mostly available to white-collar, higher-income workers who already face fewer barriers to exercise outside of work. (Shutterstock)

Workplaces can help promote exercise, but job conditions remain a major hurdle

To get more workers to be active, public health messaging must recognize the important role employers can play in creating the conditions for workers to focus on exercise.

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