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Articles sur Archives

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Penny Gulliver wrote to Germaine Greer several times over two decades. University of Melbourne Archives, Germaine Greer Archive, 2014.0042.00350, Correspondence with Penny Gulliver

Friday essay: reading Germaine Greer’s mail

Fifty years of correspondence is stored at the Germaine Greer archive. It ranges across topics as diverse as US politics, grassroots feminism, gardening and Queen Victoria’s underpants.
Both sea ice and government data are disappearing. U.S. Geological Survey, flickr

How the ‘guerrilla archivists’ saved history – and are doing it again under Trump

Activists today are racing to save climate records from the Trump administration. Secret archives were a powerful way to fight hostile political climates throughout history – from the Nazis to the Islamic State.
Gillian Armstrong’s 1971 student film The Roof Needs Mowing featured a bathtub full of baked beans. VCA Film & Television School

Magnetic memoir: a love letter to VHS from the archives

In less than a decade, most people won’t be able to play a VHS tape anymore. Let’s farewell the humble tape, and celebrate the archives finding their way to digitisation and YouTube.
Hex code from the Blaster worm reveals the potential motivations of the worm’s creator. Ward Moerman

Why save a computer virus?

How can archivists properly preserve computer programs often written specifically to destroy data?
Transgender is an umbrella term, encompassing a number of different identities and practices. 'Umbrella' via

What’s in a word? The challenges of ‘transgender’

Transgender is a relatively new word. So when an academic seeks to create a transgender historical archive, complications abound.
The State Library of Victoria has received the greatest single bequest of rare books in its history. Teagan Glenane

Emmerson’s bequest offers the best of the best for book scholars

The State Library of Victoria has received the greatest single bequest of rare books in its history, coupled with an endowment for the collection’s preservation. No wonder book scholars are smiling.
We don’t send as many letters these days but, as historians know, there’s nothing quite as resilient. Ben/Flickr

Hold the post: there’s no such thing as a dead letter

Australians might now prefer to send emails over private letters but let’s not overlook the letter’s unique, tactile role, particularly in its most intimate expressions.
Traditionally, audio-visual archives have emphasised preservation and put access second. Thomas Christensen

Files can’t wait: the future of the National Film and Sound Archive

It goes without saying these are difficult times for the country’s museums and archives. In recent months, the National Library, War Memorial, Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, and others, have all flagged…
Some films were made to be projected – which is why we need our archives to make copies in their original formats available to scholars and fans. girl/afraid

YouTube isn’t the answer to tricky questions about film

Last month a major restructure at the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA) in Canberra was announced, including a tranche of job cuts and the closure of the Arc cinema. Many in the film community were…
Germaine Greer’s acquired work is enough to fill 150 filing drawers. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Why Germaine Greer’s life in letters is one for the archives

Earlier this week, as you may have read, the University of Melbourne announced it had acquired the archives of a former student, feminist scholar and writer Germaine Greer. The total cost of the archive…

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