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Articles sur Artificial intelligence (AI)

Affichage de 1361 à 1376 de 1376 articles

Terminate your concerns. San Diego Shooter/Flickr

Super intelligent machines aren’t to be feared

Fear of machines becoming smarter than humans is a standard part of popular culture. In films like iRobot and Terminator, humans are usurped. Throughout history we can trace stories about humankind overreaching…
Tough enemies tend to become easier by the end of a game, normally because you learn and they don’t. Robots image from

Beaten by bots – training AI for first-person shooter games

When you first stare down that tough opponent in a videogame (think Big Daddies in Bioshock or Striders in Half-Life 2), it can seem impossible to beat the computer-controlled character you’re facing…
The DARwIn-OP humanoid soccer-playing robot may look like a toy, but is a platform for groundbreaking artificial intelligence research. David Budden

Robots will be FIFA champions – if they keep their eyes on the ball

We already know robots manufacture cars, work in factories, even vacuum our homes - but could they form a world-beating soccer team? The question seems like ripe pickings for a movie mogul, given Hollywood’s…
The idea of a machine being creative goes back to the earliest days of computing. Mike Licht,

Pablo eCasso? In search of the first computer masterpiece

For much of his adult life, painter and scholar Harold Cohen has been working in collaboration with a computer to make visual art. Cohen has worked almost continuously on this creative artificial intelligence…
“We should stop treating intelligent machines as the stuff of science fiction.” Cea.

Artificial intelligence – can we keep it in the box?

We know how to deal with suspicious packages – as carefully as possible! These days, we let robots take the risk. But what if the robots are the risk? Some commentators argue we should be treating AI (artificial…
There’s a big difference between creating a thinking machine and modelling one. Saad Faruque

The modern phlogiston: why ‘thinking machines’ don’t need computers

In the late 1700s, French scientist Antoine Lavoisier proved that the mechanism behind burning is oxidation. Lavoisier’s discovery killed off an eternity of dogma involving a non-existent substance called…
According to some, computer intelligence is on course to match human intelligence by 2045. Sybren A. Stüvel

Person or computer: could you pass the Turing Test?

As mentioned already on this site and others, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of famed British mathematician Alan Turing. The outline of his remarkable life and sad ending has by now…

Babies show computers how to learn

Research into the cognition of babies and small children may help scientists program computers to think and learn more like…
Anything could happen if we don’t teach machines to be “good”. KennethMoyle

Rise of the machines: how computers could control our lives

Predicting the future is a risky business. If it wasn’t, we’d all be very wealthy by now. The Danish physicist Neils Bohr famously opined: “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future”. Despite…
Momentum is gathering behind calls to pardon the father of computer science. BinaryApe

Calls for a posthumous pardon … but who was Alan Turing?

You may have read the British Government is being petitioned to grant a posthumous pardon to one of the world’s greatest mathematicians and most successful codebreakers, Alan Turing. You may also have…
queens Patrick Schultheiss

What ants can teach robots

Can an ant’s strategy for moving around be useful for building robots with autonomous navigation? Working with experts in the field of artificial intelligence, we have just begun to explore this possibility…
Could our days at the top of the brain chain be numbered? AAP

Have computers finally eclipsed their creators?

In February this year, game shows got that little bit harder. And at the same time, artificial intelligence took another step towards the ultimate goal of creating and perhaps exceeding human-level intelligence…

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