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Articles sur Gender stereotypes

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 116 articles

Being made to feel you don’t belong in your chosen field is stressful. Woman image via

What fewer women in STEM means for their mental health

Being underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math means women can be made to feel they don’t belong, with long-term mental health consequences.
Life is naturally sunny for the ‘happy mother’ of social mythology, which makes it doubly difficult for mums when they are miserable. Shutterstock/FamVeld

How happiness becomes a burden of identity as a wife and mother

Women are supposed to be happy about motherhood – if they’re not their parenting is open to question. We have seen a ‘Parenting Hate’ backlash against this, but what’s needed most is better social support.
How many little girls do you see dressing up as builders or car mechanics? Flickr/theirhistory

Getting in early to avoid gender stereotyping careers

By pre-school children are already thinking about the career they will have when they grow up, and ruling out jobs that do not fit with their gender. We need to get in early to get rid of stereotypes.
Why is it that women can retain their heterosexuality if they kiss, but if men do the same they’re labeled gay? David Shankbone/Wikimedia Commons

It turns out male sexuality is just as fluid as female sexuality

If women can kiss women and still be straight, what about men? Some scholars have argued that female sexual desires tend to be fluid and receptive, while men’s desires – regardless of whether men are gay…
There are ‘his’ and ‘hers’ apps for raising a baby. NotarYES/Shutterstock

Many parenting apps are reinforcing the gender divide

Almost every day, a smartphone app emerges offering some new and exciting functionality. But it’s come to my attention that many of these apps are continuing an old trend: they are purveyors of gender-based…
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and actor Emma Watson launched the HeForShe Campaign at the United Nations headquarters in New York, 20 September. EPA/JASON SZENES

126,000 reasons why the Emma Watson hoax isn’t all bad news

In less than a week since actor Emma Watson’s stirring United Nations speech on gender inequality, two big things have happened – but you’ve probably only heard about one of them. The first, which has…
Why do you always forget to buy milk? Sunfox

Are women and men forever destined to think differently?

The headlines The Australian: Male and female brains still unequal The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis: Gender disparities in cognition will not diminish The Economist: A variation…
We prefer experimenting on our food, rather than cooking it. Neil Munns/PA Archive

Girls are kept out of science jobs by unhelpful stereotypes

The number of girls taking A-level physics has remained stagnant for the past 20 years or more, and the UK has the lowest proportion of female engineers in the EU. Progress on gender equality in science…
Programming: blue for boy, pink for girl. ntr23

Are men better wired to read maps or is it a tired cliché?

The headlines The Guardian: Male and female brains wired differently, scans reveal The Atlantic: Male and female brains really are built differently The Independent: The hardwired difference between male…
Prissy girls and macho boys. jodigreen

Violence against women starts with school stereotypes

Gender-based violence is a deeply embedded problem in many societies and cultures. Despite this, efforts to challenge it are rarely seen at a primary school level. There is a perception that children aged…

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