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Articles sur Inequality

Affichage de 321 à 340 de 1026 articles

Ladijane Sofia da Concecão, one of millions of unemployed housekeepers in Brazil, accepts a food donation from a friend in São Paulo, May 7, 2020. Alexandre Schneider/Getty Images

In Brazil’s raging pandemic, domestic workers fear for their lives – and their jobs

Maids were among Brazil’s earliest COVID-19 victims, infected by employers who had been to Italy. Now 39% of Brazilian ‘domésticas’ have been let go, most without severance or sick leave.
A young child stands outside the entrance to a playground in Montréal on May 3, 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues in Canada and around the world. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Returning to ‘normal’ post-coronavirus would be inhumane

The coronavirus feeds off of social and environmental injustice, exacerbating the wounds, scars and illnesses that existed prior to the pandemic. That’s why returning to ‘normal’ is not an option.
Are they spending as much on the needs of others as the rest of us? cdwheatley/Getty Images

Rich folks aren’t that stingy after all

Reliable data on charitable giving is hard to come by. But based on the information available, very rich people are at least as generous as everyone else.
A significant break in the school year could have a devastating impact on the motivation and learning of vulnerable students. (Shutterstock)

4 strategies to support vulnerable students when schools reopen after coronavirus

School closures under coronavirus have raised significant risks for vulnerable students who face maltreatment and exposure to violence. Here are five priorities to address when reopening schools.
A woman carries a bucket of fresh water to an informal settlement in Khayelitsha, near Cape Town. South Africa has the widest wealth gap in the world. Photo by RODGER BOSCH/AFP via Getty Images

Coronavirus: why South Africa needs a wealth tax now

A wealth tax on the top 1% of South Africans could raise R143 billion. This corresponds to 29% of the R500 billion COVID-19 package announced by the government.
Wade Watts becomes a better global citizen when he reconnects to the real world in Ernest Cline’s novel ‘Ready Player One.’ Tye Sheridan stars as Watts in Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation. (2018 edition of 'Ready Player One'/Penguin Random House)

Dystopian story ‘Ready Player One’ has tips for life after coronavirus

The bestselling novel turned film exposes paradoxes of fixing a broken system with its own tools. As we collectively meditate on the world’s problems, why not imagine better worlds?

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