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Articles sur Machine learning

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 307 articles

A synthetic image generated by mimicking real faces, left, and a synthetic face generated from the text prompt ‘a photo of a 50-year-old man with short black hair,’ right. Hany Farid using StyleGAN2 (left) and DALL-E (right)

Text-to-image AI: powerful, easy-to-use technology for making art – and fakes

Text-to-image generators like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion portend a future where anyone with a computer can fake a photograph of just about anything.
Depending on how you look at it, drugs that can act on multiple targets could be a boon instead of a challenge. Andrew Brookes/Image Source via Getty Images

Many medications affect more than one target in the body – some drug designers are embracing the ‘side effects’ that had been seen as a drawback

Many approved drugs work on the body in ways that researchers still aren’t entirely clear about. Seeing this as an opportunity instead of a flaw may lead to better treatments for complex conditions.
Figuring out what makes some proteins glow requires an understanding of chemistry. eLife - the journal

A celebrated AI has learned a new trick: How to do chemistry

The AI AlphaFold can figure out the three-dimensional protein structure any string of amino acids will become. It has now exceeded its training by figuring out what makes some proteins glow.

When self-driving cars crash, who’s responsible? Courts and insurers need to know what’s inside the ‘black box’

Our research on a recent Australian court case shows how experts and lawyers can overcome opaque AI technology. But regulators could make it even easier, by making AI companies document their systems.

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