Sihong Wang, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
A type of computer chip that mimics both the skin and brain could pave the way for wearable devices that monitor and analyze health data using AI right on the body.
By tracking a meteorite found in Morocco back to its origin in an asteroid crater on Mars millions of years ago, scientists can learn more about how the planets formed.
Gregory Way, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Many approved drugs work on the body in ways that researchers still aren’t entirely clear about. Seeing this as an opportunity instead of a flaw may lead to better treatments for complex conditions.
The AI AlphaFold can figure out the three-dimensional protein structure any string of amino acids will become. It has now exceeded its training by figuring out what makes some proteins glow.
A Google engineer claims one of the company’s chatbots has become sentient. Experts disagree, but the debate raises old questions about the nature of consciousness.
Our research on a recent Australian court case shows how experts and lawyers can overcome opaque AI technology. But regulators could make it even easier, by making AI companies document their systems.