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Articles sur TAFE

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 47 articles

The disastrous experience of vocational education and training in Australia holds many lessons about trying to fit education into a for-profit market model.

Why the profit motive fails in education

Market forces don’t work well in education. For-profit businesses are more tempted to exploit loopholes than provide quality service.
There is already a substantial list of research reports, reviews and inquiries into issues in the vocational education sector which could be used to build an action plan.

The vocational education sector needs a plan and action, not more talk

We already have all the research reports, reviews and inquiries we need to make reform to the VET sector happen. What we need is proactive leadership and action.
Other states and territories could follow suit and similarly reinvest in their TAFE systems through a comparable policy initiative. Julian Smith/AAP

Free TAFE in Victoria: who benefits and why other states should consider it

30 skill priority areas will be free from the beginning of 2019 in Victoria. Students will feel the most benefit, while private providers say the policy is not equitable.
Labor will be looking to Bill Shorten’s speech to the National Press Club to reinforce the momentum that has seen the ALP ahead in the polls. Glenn Hunt/AAP

Shorten’s three major economic priorities: ‘jobs, jobs and jobs’

Bill Shorten will put creating new jobs, sustaining existing ones, and training and retraining Australian jobseekers at the heart of his economic agenda in a major speech on Tuesday.
For young people leaving school without completing Year 12, a VET qualification is the main way they can continue their education. from

More at-risk young people are turning to private VET providers

New research shows private VET providers are ill-equipped to tackle the learning needs of vulnerable young people, who are increasingly being enrolled onto these training courses.

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