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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2201 - 2225 of 2901 articles

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh celebrates his Burnaby South byelection win on Feb. 25, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Byelection win offers Singh an opportunity to reset his leadership

Jagmeet Singh needed to win the byelection in Burnaby South. Now that the NDP leader will have a seat in Parliament, can he still turn around the party’s fortunes before this year’s federal election?
Is the SNC-Lavalin controversy truly a political scandal? If so, it’s unlike any we’ve seen before in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seen here in January 2019 with Jody Wilson-Raybould after she was shuffled out of her job as attorney general. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Is the SNC-Lavalin controversy truly a scandal?

A standard political scandal involves a person who did something wrong out of negligence or motivations of money, personal ambition, sex, etc. But the SNC-Lavalin affair so far lacks those elements.
A new review of 372 patient group submissions to the Canadian Agency for Drugs or Technology in Health – about whether new medicines should be covered by public plans – reveals a total of 1896 conflicts of interest. (Shutterstock)

How Big Pharma donations may influence public drug coverage

A new study reveals how many patient groups lobby for new drugs to be funded by public plans in Canada – all while receiving funding from the companies manufacturing the drugs in question.
Gerald Butts, principal secretary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is seen on April 20, 2018. Butts resigned amid allegations that the Prime Minister’s Office interfered to prevent a criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darren Calabrese

The SNC-Lavalin affair and the politics of prosecution

The SNC-Lavalin affair raises fundamental questions about how decisions to prosecute are made, and what role elected politicians should have in that process – if any at all.
Data from provinces varies, but it generally shows Canadian cannabis users prefer to buy dry flowers (to smoke or vape their weed), want high-quality products and prefer shopping in bricks-and-mortar stores rather than online. Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash

How Canadians are buying cannabis and getting high now that it’s legal

Government data outline what’s popular with Canadian cannabis shoppers. Among other things, they prefer smoke-able cannabis, high-quality products and in-store shopping.
Huseyin Celil is seen here with one of his youngest children in this 2006 photo taken shortly before his arrest. Creative Commons

The forgotten Canadian languishing in a Chinese jail

Another case involving an even more egregious violation of international law by China against Canada languishes largely forgotten. Huseyin Celil, a Canadian citizen, has been in jail since 2006.
Around the world, government officials fail often at implementing policy and public sector projects. Here’s why. (Shutterstock)

Why governments are so bad at implementing public projects

Research around the world shows a consistent pattern of failures in public sector policy and project implementation. Yet we continue to embark upon implementation built on bias and faulty logic.
In this October 2015 photo, German federal police officers guide a group of migrants on their way after crossing the border between Austria and Germany. Once granted citizenship, newcomers face near-impossible hurdles to reunite their families. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader)

Citizens in the West should care about discriminatory immigration policies

It’s important to unearth how discriminatory immigration policy, largely invisible to the general public, undermines citizens’ rights and position.
In 2016, parents protested the previous Ontario Liberal government’s decision to cut therapy for autistic children aged five and older. Moves by Ontario’s Conservative government have also raised concerns. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

How changes to the Ontario Autism Program will hurt kids like my son

An autism policy researcher and the mother of an affected child weighs in on the recent changes announced to the Ontario Autism Program.
Wiarton Willie, pictured with Premier Doug Ford on Groundhog Day, cannot yet predict what Ontario may do to full-day kindergarten. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Doug Ball

Full-day Kindergarten is what Ontario needs for a stable future

Nine years in from its start date, full-day kindergarten is doing its job laying foundational learning for the future of individual children and the province at large.
Tax breaks or exemptions for those working in pharmacy, health insurance and pharmaceutical industries could help bolster support for a national pharmacare plan. (Shutterstock)

Tax breaks could soften the blow of a national pharmacare plan

Two community pharmacists suggest a way for improving the palatability of evidence-based universal pharmacare – for those working in health insurance, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry.
Before going to the polls later this year, the current NDP government in Alberta should consider changes to a controversial law on sex education THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson

Sex ed in Alberta is not just an LGBTQ issue

Alberta’s Bill 44 requiring schools to alert parents when they’re teaching sex ed should be amended in order to protect both youth health and education towards democracy.
Venezuelan citizens rest after they arrive in La Parada, on the outskirts of Cucuta, Colombia, on the border with Venezuela, Feb. 5, 2019. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)

Venezuela: Denial of food is a human rights crime

Food shortages in Venezuela are a result of draconian government policies and should be declared an international crime against humanity.
An ad for the city of Las Vegas features a lesbian couple who decide to get married. Ads featuring same-sex couples face a backlash, particularly from conservative consumers, but there are ways to make them more accepted. YouTube

Out of the closet: Easing the backlash against same-sex couples in advertising

Most North American consumers generally prefer advertising with male-female couples rather than same-sex couples. But changes in how brands frame the messages of advertisements could change that.