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Articles on Artificial intelligence (AI)

Displaying 761 - 780 of 1389 articles

It doesn’t take a human mind to produce misinformation convincing enough to fool experts in such critical fields as cybersecurity. iLexx/iStock via Getty Images

Study shows AI-generated fake reports fool experts

Bots flooding social media with fake news about politics is bad enough. Muddying the waters in such fields as cybersecurity and health care could put lives at risk.
The left photo shows a Kodak booth in Australia in the 1930s. The right photo is it colourized using the software program DeOldify. (Museums Victoria/Unsplash, DeOldify)

The controversial history of colourizing black-and-white photos

The algorithm has become a new way of capturing reality automatically, and it demands a heightened ethical engagement with photos.
Activists, influencers raise alarm after MMIWG content disappears from Instagram on Red Dress Day. (Solen Feyissa/Unsplash)

Beyond a technical bug: Biased algorithms and moderation are censoring activists on social media

Automated content moderation using algorithms are quick and cheaper. But, they’re not necessarily better than human beings. They are prone to errors and can impose bias in a systemic scale.
The Canadian government’s employment of AI technology needs to be transparent. (Shutterstock)

Canada should be transparent in how it uses AI to screen immigrants

A responsible approach to the use of artificial intelligence by government requires transparency. The Canadian government’s use of AI in making immigration decisions warrants further investigation.
The FTC put companies that sell AI systems on notice: Cross the line with biased products and the law is coming for you. Maciej Frolow/Stone via Getty Images

FTC warns the AI industry: Don’t discriminate, or else

The Federal Trade Commission is rattling its saber at the technology industry over growing public concern about biased AI algorithms. Can the agency back up its threats?
Why do we perceive female robots as more human than male robots? Rafael Matigulin

Female robots are seen as being the most human. Why?

Virtual assistants and robots are frequently given female attributes. To curb the massive use of such gendering in AI, we need to better understand the deep roots of this phenomenon.
In this September 2019 photo, a woman walks below a Google sign on the campus in Mountain View, Calif. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Google’s union of activists highlights the need for ethical engineering

The new Alphabet Workers Union is making clear that changes must be put in place, both in education and on the job, to allow engineers to start taking responsibility for the social impact of their work.

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