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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 4321 - 4340 of 6972 articles

The coral reef of Rarotonga helped scientists create a better climate history. Corey Huber

El Niño has rapidly become stronger and stranger, according to coral records

El Niño events can affect millions of people around the world, causing drought in Australia and floods in the Americas.
Rapidly advancing technologies, including artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D-printing, smart-phones, smart-homes, precision medicine and diagnostics, promise to disrupt health care as we know it. (Shutterstock)

Canadian health care needs agile leaders and bold visions for the future

In an era of rapid technological advance, devastating climate change, increasing inequality and a steadily aging society, health-care leadership development is vital.
Days of protest by Extinction Rebellion have brought parts of London to a standstill. Shutterstock

UK becomes first country to declare a ‘climate emergency’

The move has been likened to putting the country on a “war footing”, with climate and the environment at the very centre of all government policy, rather than being on the fringe of political decisions.
Australia’s new National Construction Code doesn’t go far enough in preparing our built environment for climate change. Sergey Molchenko/Shutterstock

Don’t forget our future climate when tightening up building codes

Fires and building failures highlighted serious gaps in Australian building regulations. But recent revisions and recommendations still fall short of preparing our buildings for climate change.
Many houses were flattened after Tropical Cyclone Evan, leading to the partial relocation of the Fijian viillage Denimanu. Rowena Harbridge/AusAID

Climate change forced these Fijian communities to move – and with 80 more at risk, here’s what they learned

Relocating communities to safer, less exposed areas can help people manage climate hazards, but it’s not a viable solution for everyone.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford laughs as Finance Minister Vic Fedeli presents the 2019 budget at the legislature in Toronto in April 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

The Doug Ford doctrine: Short-term gain for long-term pain

There’s an apparent emerging Doug Ford doctrine in Ontario of short-term gain for long-term pain. It threatens to embed long-term structural costs for the province and its taxpayers.
Just off Washington Square in New York City. Frej Berg/Flickr

The value of trees: 4 essential reads

Trees clean urban air, store carbon, slow floodwaters and can be used to design safer streets. Scholars are starting to calculate what these services are worth – a fitting topic for Arbor Day.

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