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Articles on Crime

Displaying 381 - 400 of 656 articles

Anti-corruption bilboard in Uganda.

Tax evasion and dirty money are draining Africa

Tax fraud combined with dirty money from criminal activity, including trafficking and terrorism – are seriously weakening the economic health of African states.
Children currently in – or who have histories with – residential care services are more likely to have contact with the justice system. AAP/Julian Smith

How resilience can break the link between a ‘bad’ childhood and the youth justice system

Knowing why people with troubled childhoods may be more likely to engage in criminal activity is necessary to inform the development of effective prevention and early intervention initiatives.
In one regard, lockout laws have succeeded in decreasing crime. But take a step back to see a city-wide perspective, and there are many other issues to consider. shutterstock

Where are they now? What public transport data reveal about lockout laws and nightlife patronage

Policy changes such as the ‘lockout laws’ have had profound impacts on inner Sydney nightlife. Transport data help us see whether these have caused problems to spill over into neighbouring areas.
A woman holds a flag as she looks out over the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Threats of violent Islamist and far-right extremism: What does the research say?

Data on violent incidents in the US reveal that our focus on Islamist extremism since 9/11 may be misguided.
Residents of Rosettenville burn household goods from alleged drug dens and brothels in the area. Daily Sun/Lucky Morajane

How South Africa can turn the rising tide against vigilantism

Vigilantism challenges the formal boundary between crime and punishment, between law and justice. But its largely been overlooked as a legal topic worthy of in-depth consideration.

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