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Articles on The Conversation France

Displaying 461 - 480 of 1043 articles

In India, air conditioning system vendors waiting for customers during an episode of high heat. Raveendran/AFP

How we can keep our planet cool even as A/C use rises

As our planet warms, the number of air-conditioning units worldwide is expected to triple by 2050 – yet their use drives climate change. So how can we break the cycle?
French startup LightOn is currently on working on developing light-powered technologies. Dmitriy Rybin / Shutterstock

Light, a possible solution for a sustainable AI

Hardware could exploit the properties of scattered light so that computations happen at high speed and with low power consumption.
Philadelphia WikiSalon May. Avery Jensen at Wikimedia Commons

On the job with a ‘Wikipedian in residence’

While most Wikipedia editors are volunteers, some are employed by Wikipedia. The Science History Institute’s Mary Mark Ockerbloom offers insight into the “Wikipedian in residence” program.
The USAID’s Feed the Future program encourages farmers to use mobile money technology to enhance their farming activities. USAID/Flickr

How Ghana is acing its transition to mobile financial services

In just five years, the number of mobile-money accounts in Ghana have jumped six-fold, providing fresh perspective on the country’s digital transformation.
Palm oil plantation in Cigudeg, Bogor, 2008. Achmad Rabin Taim/Flickr

The geopolitics of palm oil and deforestation

Demand for palm and other vegetable oils is rising sharply, raising questions about which ones will be produced, who will control their production and sale, and where they will be grown.
Fatou Bensouda, ICC Prosecutor, and Robert H. Jackson, two key figures in international criminal justice, from Nuremberg to The Hague. AFP/Wikimedia

Why the United States rejects international criminal justice: looking back at Nuremberg

When faced with US rejection of international criminal justice, today’s supporters of the ICC often invoke the country’s Nuremberrg leadership. However, this notion is based on a distorted image of the 1945-46 trials.
Tourism, that quintessentially elitist pursuit, is now responsible for almost 8 percent of global CO₂ emissions. Blake Barlow/Unsplash

Inequality and climate change: the rich must step up

In the face of climate change, the poorest are suffering from the excess emissions of CO₂ linked to the lifestyle of the richest. It is time to act, in the name of climate and social justice.

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