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Articles on Weight loss

Displaying 121 - 140 of 284 articles

Insecurities young people have about their bodies are often exacerbated by unrealistic content on social media. From

In a virtual universe of ‘perfect’ bodies, Instagram’s new policy offers important protection for young users

Adolescence is a time of heightened vulnerability around body image. Instagram’s policy to stop teens viewing posts advertising weight loss ‘solutions’ and cosmetic procedures is socially responsible.
As keen as we may be to hear about any health benefits of drinking coffee, the headlines aren’t always what they seem. Janko Ferlic/Unsplash

Research Check: can drinking coffee help you lose weight?

Caffeine may be able to increase the function of what we call ‘brown fat’. But we shouldn’t immediately scramble for the closest long black or flat white and expect to see the kilos drop.
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to be overweight or obese. But it’s easier to maintain a healthy weight while young than wait until later to shift the kilos. Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Weight loss improves polycystic ovary symptoms. But don’t wait until middle age – start now

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome say they find it hard to lose weight. Here’s what they can do to improve their symptoms and long-term health.
Staying on track with exercise goals can be hard without a plan to deal with stressors that get in the way. Flamingo Images/

How to increase your chances of sticking with your resolutions

Behavior change is very hard. Try as we might to keep those New Year’s resolutions, many have given up by this time. Here are some ways to keep going and stay on track, from a counseling psychologist.
A mix of fats, such as those found in nuts, avocados, salmon and olives, could be healthy and more satisfying. Craevschii Family/

Let them eat more fat? Researcher argues that a balance of types of fat is the key

When did eating become so confusing? In the 1960s, studies began to show a link between heart disease and dietary fat, and fat was demonized. As it turns out, fat is nuanced and may not be so bad.
Ready for all the research-backed tips and tricks for setting a goal and meeting it?

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: What research says about how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

What research says about how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions The Conversation, CC BY82.9 MB (download)
Today, experts will be sharing with us insights into how to make a change in your life -- big or small -- using evidence from the world of academic research.
Natural supplements may be popular, but they can have dangerous side effects when they include prescription drugs. Oleksandr Zamuruiev/

Beware of natural supplements for sex gain and weight loss

Men who can’t take drugs for erectile dysfunction and overweight people who can’t lose weight sometimes turn to natural supplements, thinking they are safe. Many times, they are not.

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