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Artículos sobre Dairy

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 75 artículos

A different decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on inter-provincial trade barriers could have, among other things, finally forced politicians to deal with the country’s problematic supply management system for the dairy and poultry sectors. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The measly $292.50 that could have transformed Canada’s agrifood sector

The Gérard Comeau case was never just about beer. It was essentially about enabling Canada’s domestic economy across the country to thrive. Here’s how the Supreme Court of Canada got it so wrong.
Donald Trump doesn’t liked to be reined in, which is why he has such a problem with trade deals like NAFTA. (The Associated Press)

New NAFTA or no NAFTA? How Trump’s ire could affect Canadian agri-food

Part of the purpose of trade deals is to prevent politicians from inserting politics into matters of commerce. Donald Trump is bucking that trend. What does it mean for Canada and NAFTA?
Dietary calcium is necessary to ensure our bones hold on to all the calcium they need to stay strong. Incase/Flickr

Explainer: how do our bones get calcium and why do they need it?

If dietary calcium is in short supply, calcium is released from bone to maintain the critical level in the bloodstream needed for nerve and muscle function.
The Australian dairy industry could consider a regulation model like that in Canada. Deb Hultgren/Flickr

Time to get regulation back into Australian dairy?

Government intervention in the crisis facing Australian dairy has opened the gates for suggestions of other types of regulation.
Former Murray Goulburn CEO Gary Helou, stepped down from the cooperative as the farmgate milk price plunged. David Crosling/AAP

Murray Goulburn saga has roots in deregulation

The break up of trust between dairy farmers and Murray Goulburn can be tracked back to the degregulation of the dairy industry.

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