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Artículos sobre Donald Trump

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Canada’s NAFTA strategy is in big trouble. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seen here meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in February 2017. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)

Rebooting Canada’s failed NAFTA strategy

Instead of treating the Trump administration as a campaign adversary, Canada needs to start working with the United States to renegotiate a NAFTA that serves both countries, not regimes like China.
A day after Donald Trump met with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, he told lawmakers the U.S. should have more immigrants from places like Norway and not “shithole” countries like Haiti. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

‘Shithole countries’: Trump uses the rhetoric of dictators

Donald Trump’s language has disturbing similarities to the words and verbal tactics used by fascists, including his cries of “fake news” and his obsessive exaggerations about his achievements.
Talks between North and South Korea have led to the rogue North agreeing to send a delegation to the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Reuters

The Winter Olympics and the two Koreas: how sport diplomacy could save the world

North Korea sending a delegation to this year’s Winter Olympics in South Korea may be a global shadow puppet show – or it might help thaw the frozen relations between the two countries.
Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s foreign affairs minister, is welcomed by German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel prior to a meeting of the G20 Foreign Ministers in Bonn, Germany in February 2017. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

Is Germany’s foreign minister having a Chrystia Freeland moment?

Germany’s foreign minister could take a page from Chrystia Freeland’s playbook on how his country should manage foreign policy in the Donald Trump era.
The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency deleted — but later restored — key statistics on its web page about the percentage of Puerto Ricans living without drinking water and electricity. In this photo from October 2017, Roberto Figueroa Caballero sits in his wall-less home after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa, File)

Scientific information is the key to democracy

The U.S. government continues to wage a fight against scientific information. Without it, the public can do little to address environmental and economic inequality.
Stranger Things 2 aims to raise political issues but misses the radical roots of rainbow coalition politics in episode seven and instead falls into mainstream Hollywood traps of centrist politics. (Courtesy of Netflix)

Stranger Things 2 relies on nostalgic race politics

The makers of the wildly popular Netflix show, Stranger Things, have a political message as they allude to Trump with their hairy, orange Shadow Monster. But what are their actual politics?
Donald Trump says cheap Mexican labor is hurting American workers. But isn’t it also hurting Mexican workers? AP Photo/Guillermo Arias

How Trump’s NAFTA renegotiations could help Mexican workers

Trump has attacked NAFTA, saying that cheap, under-regulated Mexican labor hurts American workers. If he’s right, then NAFTA negotiations could be a chance to push Mexico on workers’ rights.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands during a service at the International Church of Las Vegas in Las Vegas in Oct. 2016. AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

How the religious right shaped American politics: 6 essential reads

Trump embraced evangelicals in his first year as president. Here, scholars provide historical context to how the religious right has shaped American politics over the past decades.

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