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Artículos sobre Tech companies

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Uber deliberately positioned itself as a tech company to avoid the regulations of the taxi industry. (Shutterstock)

The manipulation of Uber’s public image profoundly impacted the lives of taxi drivers

The Uber Files leak reveals that the company embarked on a deliberate public relations strategy that involved the media, public officials and academics.
In happier days. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari (centre) and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo (left) pose as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg takes a selfie during his visit to the country in 2016. Sunday Aghaeze/AFP via Getty Images

Twitter ban will harm Nigeria as a technology investment destination

Nigeria risks losing its recent status as Africa’s most attractive tech hub following its decision to suspend Twitter’s operations.
While leaks and whistleblowers continue to be valuable tools in the fight for data privacy, we can’t rely on them solely to keep big tech companies in check. SHUTTERSTOCK

The ugly truth: tech companies are tracking and misusing our data, and there’s little we can do

Most of us are probably having our data tracked in some form. And while there are regulatory safeguards in place to protect user privacy, it’s hard to say whether these are enough.

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