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Artikel-artikel mengenai Conflict

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Congolese soldiers arrest anti-government protester in North Kivu province. Kenny Katombe/Reuters

2017: the year the Democratic Republic of Congo would like to forget

President Joseph Kabila was supposed to step down at the end of his term in 2016. By clinging on to power he threw the Democratic Republic of Congo into a vicious cycle of deadly conflict.
RAAF warplanes fly over Syria in Australia’s first airstrikes in that country in September 2015. AAP/ADF

War and democracy – who decides?

The wars in Syria and Iraq are products of secretive decision-making by the executive. Their disastrous consequences are evidence of the need for war powers reform.
Women wearing their WIPNET T-shirts plan a peace jamboree the day before the Liberian election in October 2017. (Carter Center)

How women bring about peace and change in Liberia

Thousands of Liberian women have banded together to bring about peace and to fight for women’s rights. They’ve changed the face of the African nation.
The daily newspaper ‘Arman’ bore a picture of US President Donald Trump with a headline which reads “Isolation of Mr. Goof”, on October 14, 2017. AFP

Donald Trump, a new advocate for Iranian nationalism and Islamist hardliners

The Trump administration’s change of US policy toward Iran has reinforced hardliners’ ambitions and nationalistic feelings, complicating an already difficult situation in the region.
A statue of Pericles outside Athens City Hall. Like Trump, Pericles used war to deflect from bad news. (Shutterstock)

‘DO SOMETHING!’ Trump, Pericles and the art of deflection

Does ancient Greek war hawk Pericles provide clues to a besieged Donald Trump’s next move? War has always been a helpful distraction for cornered world leaders.
The return of European brown bears to the Alps means that humans must learn about cohabitation. Alexas Fotos/Pixabay

How to live with bears

Bear-man conflicts have made news in the Alps but history tells a story of a possible cohabitation.

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