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Artikel-artikel mengenai Diet

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 673 artikel

The fresh flavors taste good now – a here-and-now reward that’s more motivating than potentially avoiding health problems in the future. kajakiki/E+ via Getty Images

Focus on right now, not the distant future, to stay motivated and on track to your long-term health goals

Long-term goals can be hard to stick to if the benefits are only way off in the future. Research suggests ways to focus on the here and now to help you ultimately achieve your more far-off targets.
The particular stressors of the holiday season can make it difficult to listen to your body. InspirationGP/iStock via Getty Images

Do you eat with your eyes, your gut or your brain? A neuroscientist explains how to listen to your hunger during the holidays

You likely know that the sight and smell of food can trigger cravings. But internal cues from your gut and your brain play just as important a role in the decisions you make around food.
Lifestyle changes may be our best hope of delaying dementia or not developing dementia at all. (Shutterstock)

Lifestyle changes can reduce dementia risk by maintaining brain plasticity — but the time to act is now

Lifestyle-related dementia risks are complex, with factors like sleep, exercise, diet and social contact interacting with things like cognitive reserve, neuroplasticity and inflammation in the body.

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