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Artikel-artikel mengenai Obesity

Menampilkan 701 - 720 dari 769 artikel

Sugar doesn’t play a greater or lesser role in obesity than fat and other carbohydrates. Esther Gibbons

Monday’s medical myth: sugar is the main culprit in obesity

The debate about the health implications of sugar consumption began back in 1972 when Professor John Judkin, from the University of London, published Pure, White and Deadly, which linked sugar intake to…
There’s a tendency to believe that only obese people need to be educated about unhealthy and unnecessary foods. Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity

Moving beyond weight: Why the focus on size is bad for health

Parents in Australia recently made headlines expressing frustration with a health-care system that confuses weight with health. They’ve been expressing their anger at two related, but separate, offenses…
Exercising at a moderate intensity is enough to reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol. Flickr/dangerouslyfit

Forget boot camp, exercise doesn’t have to be painful

You don’t need to follow the “no pain, no gain” mantra to reap the health benefits of exercise, a new study shows. Military-style boot camps that deliver fast-paced, high-intensity training (and chastise…
Chocolate can be good for you … in moderation. AAP

Are regular chocolate eaters really thinner?

People who eat chocolate on a regular basis tend to be thinner, even when they do not exercise more often, a new study claims. But health experts have warned that the findings of the study, published today…
The Conversation’s health coverage: policy, chiropractic, obesity and medicine. AAP,, Puuiki Beach, LJA Kliche

Health + Medicine: reflections on our first year

In The Conversation’s first editorial meeting editor Andrew Jaspan explained what he wanted to achieve with the site: a more informed level of debate, based on evidence, research and expert opinion. It…
Better diets and more exercise could prevent 43,000 cancer diagnoses a year. joshbousel

One in four cancers preventable – but first we need the willpower

Cancer is one of the most common public health threats facing Australians and accounts for nearly one-fifth of the disease burden in this country. The direct cost to the Australian community is approaching…
We can reduce rates of childhood obesity but it requires a coordinated, consistent approach. Sean Dreilinger

Healthier kids requires more than getting them off the couch

Seventeen years of our research into childhood obesity is starting to deliver dividends. We now know what kinds of interventions are effective for reducing the number of overweight and obese children in…
Australia’s revised dietary guidelines must consider environmental sustainability. Wonderlane

Climate change and obesity – eating for the health of the planet

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is currently revising the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Yet, despite expert advice from public health and environmental sustainability groups…
The risk of cancer from air pollution is a fraction of the hazard posed by smoking. EPA/Alex Hofford

Unproven cancer risks diverting focus from real cause: lifestyle

The fixation on potentially cancer-causing chemicals in the air, food and consumer products is diverting attention from the real risks, according to a review of global evidence by an Australian cancer…
Just getting off your chair regularly and moving around is enough to improve your health. Victor1558

Office workers – it’s time to beat the bulge and quit the sit

I’ve never been a smoker but lately I’ve started to take on some of the same zeal of reformed addicts. You see, a few years ago, I took a long, hard look at myself and decided to kick one of the most unnecessary…
Evidence suggests that up to 30% of people who are obese are perfectly healthy. Rudd Centre for Food Policy

Appearance vs. reality: the perfectly healthy obese

No one can claim to be unaware of the risks of obesity in this day and age. Almost every day there are discussions in the media about the risks of carrying excess fat. But research shows the link between…
One reason we feel comfortable laughing at fat bodies is because we believe we can assess an individual’s personal and moral characteristics by their body. Robert Danay

Big belly laughs – why is it okay to laugh at fat people?

Recent articles on perceptions of overweight and obese people have attracted a lot of attention from those with something to say about the overweight and the obese. One point that seems clear from the…
Focussing on individual behaviour for preventing and managing obesity is simplistic and misleading. Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity

Back off, fatists – obesity blame games don’t help anyone

For anyone having doubts about overweight or obese people feeling blamed and shamed, the comments on a recent article about a positive image library should settle the matter. They clearly illustrate the…
Mice fed a special diet rapidly passed on an epigenetic change to subsequent generations. Flickr/a_soft_world

With the tweak of a gene, we could transform our looks in a few generations

The proportion of people with desirable physical traits could rapidly accelerate over a few generations with the aid of a diet that tweaks particular genes, a study suggests. Research by a team at Sydney’s…
The image library presents obese people in positive, natural poses. Here, Zoe prepares for work. Isaac Brown

Showing it like it is: a library to fight fatist images in the media

Discussions about obesity tend to focus on perceived health risks and the financial drain they pose to the health system. What’s less recognised is that the way we talk about obesity makes the social position…
Added sweetners are contributing to a rise in diseases, experts say. Flickr/Tony Castillo.

Health experts want ‘toxic’ sugar to be regulated like alcohol

Governments should tax added sweeteners and limit their sale to people over a certain age, say health experts who consider sugar just as toxic to our health as alcohol. The consumption of sugar has tripled…

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