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Artikel-artikel mengenai Skin cancer

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Many places have banned sunscreens with certain chemicals in an attempt to help protect coral reefs. Westend61 via Getty Images

Corals and sea anemones turn sunscreen into toxins – understanding how could help save coral reefs

Researchers have long suspected that an ingredient in sunscreen called oxybenzone was harming corals, but no one knew how. A new study shows how corals turn oxybenzone into a sunlight-activated toxin.
Ouch! Here’s the evidence to bust some myths about sunscreen. Now, there’s no excuse to look like a rock lobster this summer. from

4½ myths about sunscreen and why they’re wrong

Do you know people who cling to myths about sunscreen? Here’s the evidence to convince them they’re wrong.
Climate change and especially variations in the ozone layer have increased the danger from the sun’s harmful rays during the last 25 years. Children are particularly at risk. Shutterstock

Summer is here! Why you need to protect your children’s eyes

The sun emits harmful rays 365 days a year, even when cloudy or rainy. Children must be protected or they may develop cataracts at an earlier age and run the risk of skin cancer of the eyelids.
Professor Fabian V. Filipp lectures on the biology of malignant melanoma and pigmentation disease. The color of skin is due to the presence of a pigment called melanin, which can absorb cancer-causing sunlight. Photo by Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism Laboratory, Fabian V. Filipp. Used with permission. CC BY-SA.

Success of immunotherapy stimulates future pigment cell and melanoma research

An international team of researchers is probing the links between skin diseases, including cancer, to speed the search for cures.

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