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Artikel-artikel mengenai Taste

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 50 artikel

Your tongue has special parts, bundled together as taste buds, that pick up flavour. But your other senses also help your brain work out how something tastes. Flickr/Jessica Lucia

Curious Kids: how do tongues taste food?

Your tongue, saliva and nose work together to help you taste your food.
Americans tend to prefer beers that have corn or rice ‘adjuncts,’ or fillers. RetroClipArt/

Why bland American beer is here to stay

The unique role of the temperance movement in US history might explain why, when it comes to Americans’ tastes, bland beer is still king.
Gotye’s Somebody That I Used to Know was voted ninth in the Hottest 100 of the Past 20 Years poll. What makes some songs endure as a classic and others fade away?

What makes a classic song? The economics of the Hottest 100

Number crunching the Hottest 100 votes produces fascinating insights into shifting musical tastes and poses the question: why was 1997 such a great year for music?

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