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Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield Hallam University is a large modern university in the north of England. The University is one of the largest in the UK, with around 31,000 students from across the globe studying more than 700 courses, supported by 4,500 staff.

The University adds an annual £424m to the local city region economy and supports almost 9,500 jobs.

It is one of the largest providers of teacher and healthcare education in the country - every year 600 Hallam-trained nurses and 700 Hallam-trained teachers start their careers after graduating from its courses.

Staff at the University work with thousands of national, international and regional businesses. Each year they provide around 19,000 placements for students in law firms, schools, hospitals, banks, hotels and more.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 355 articles

Climate finance can help developing countries cut their emissions. Prashanth Vishwanathan (IWMI) / flickr

Climate finance: it’ll be cheaper in the long run if poorer countries receive it as a matter of urgency

Early investments generate rapid cost reductions, while further delay simply slows innovation and compounds the climate crisis.
What’s in the box? Guy Corbishley/Alamy

Autumn budget 2021: experts react

Sunak talked about a new age of optimism, but it doesn’t feel like that for many people.
Teachers have shown great resilience and adaptability in the face of COVID. PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

How to make teaching more women-friendly, post-COVID

Women are often drawn to teaching because of the supposed life-work balance. Extreme workloads and inflexible school structures means too many quit early.
Varicose veins typically happen in the legs, though any superficial vein may become varicosed. Solarisys/ Shutterstock

Varicose veins: are they harmful?

Sometimes called ‘spider veins’, varicose veins are a common condition in both men and women.

Budget 2021: experts react

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has delivered his second pandemic budget for the Conservatives.


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