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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 321 - 340 of 1082 articles

Katai putih (tengah) dan pulsar pendampingnya membuat laboratorium gravitasi alami yang luar biasa. Mark Myers/OzGrav

Faktor lengkung: hasil pengamatan bintang berputar yang mengubah struktur ruang dan waktu

Einstein sendiri berpikir banyak dari prediksinya mengenai ruang dan waktu tidak akan pernah bisa diamati. Namun beberapa tahun terakhir telah terlihat penemuan revolusioner dan ekstrem astrofisika.
Could graphene - shown here as an illustration of its molecular structure - come to define the next phase of the information revolution? Rost9/Shutterstock

Small world: atom-scale materials are the next tech frontier

Since the 1960s, silicon ‘nanomaterials’ have driven the information revolution. But as their potential is exhausted, is it time for ‘atomaterials’ such as graphene to drive innovation still further?
These birds were killed by flying into a set of surveyed buildings in Washington DC in 2013. USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab/Flickr

Buildings kill millions of birds. Here’s how to reduce the toll

The tall buildings of our cities kill horrifying numbers of birds. But some cities are adopting mandatory design measures to cut the toll.
A white dward (centre) and its companion pulsar make for an excellent natural gravitational laboratory. Mark Myers/OzGrav

Warp factor: we’ve observed a spinning star that drags the very fabric of space and time

One of Einstein’s weirder predictions is that massive, spinning objects exert a drag on space-time itself. Now an orbiting pair of unusual stars has revealed this effect in action.
Shy bladder, or paruresis, is classified as a form of social anxiety disorder. From

Can’t do what you need to do in a public toilet? You’re not alone – and there’s help

Anxiety around going to the toilet in a public place is a recognised mental health condition. We explored the thought processes behind shy bladder and shy bowel to better understand these disorders.
Implosion is the most dramatic way of demolishing a building but it’s also the most wasteful and hazardous. Luke Schmidt/Shutterstock

Unbuilding cities as high-rises reach their use-by date

The problems of demolishing high-rise buildings in busy cities point to the need to prepare for unbuilding at the time of building. We’d then be much better placed to recycle building materials.
A volunteer sorts through donated clothing as part of a bushfire appeal. Generally, it’s best to give money - unless the organisation to which you are donating has requested specific goods. AAP/DEAN LEWINS

How to donate to Australian bushfire relief: give money, watch for scams and think long term

It’s worth thinking carefully about how to give, to ensure you’re not wasting your contribution or inadvertently making things worse.
Black Saturday firefighters battling flames in Victoria. When we laud fire fighters as heroes, we fail to acknowledge the ongoing impact of the fires. AAP Image/Andrew Brownbill

‘I can still picture the faces’: Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen to them, not call them ‘heroes’

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility.
Demonstrations against freeway construction in Melbourne included a street barricade erected in protest at the F19 extension of the Eastern Freeway. Barricade! – the resident fight against the F19

We’re still fighting city freeways after half a century

Public protests eventually forced the scrapping of some proposed freeways in 1973. Today, we have another round of projects and people are protesting again, with good reason. Government should listen.
The Melbourne Transportation Plan included every freeway and major arterial road built in the city since 1969. Shuang Li/Shutterstock

50 years on from the Melbourne Transportation Plan, what can we learn from its legacy?

While called a transportation plan, it was heavily skewed towards roads. We need the type of city-shaping thinking that underpinned the plan, but today’s plans must match 21st-century priorities.
This aquarium at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne helps reframe hospitals as exciting hubs of activity with things to do and friends to meet. Shannon McGrath/Advanced Aquarium Technologiess

Aquariums, meerkats and gaming screens: how hospital design supports children, young people and their families

The design of children’s hospitals and other health facilities for young people have come a long way from the institutions of the past. Now, they’re a place to reduce stress and support mental health.
Smart transport solutions make better use of existing infrastructure and reduce the need to build expensive new roads. AdobeStock

Smart tech systems cut congestion for a fraction of what new roads cost

Faced with the eye-watering costs of building infrastructure, it makes sense to turn to much more cost-effective smart technology to get traffic flowing.


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