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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 261 - 280 of 1082 articles


Pandemic widens gap between government and Australians’ view of education

The way in which Australians think about leadership in the education sector has changed throughout the pandemic. It’s seen as a public good, with ethics and accountability gaining in importance.
James Ross/AAP

Blunders aside, most Australians believe state premiers have been effective leaders during pandemic

New research shows WA Premier Mark McGowan has been rated highest in terms of leadership for the greater good, while Victorian leader Dan Andrews has surprisingly held steady through the second wave.
Penggambaran inti Matahari. James Josephides, CAS Swinburne University of Technology

Curious Kids: inti Matahari itu seperti apa?

Kalau kita bisa pergi ke tengah Matahari, mungkin semua akan terlihat sangat terang - dan mungkin sedikit merah jambu.


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