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Articles on Consumer choice

Displaying 1 - 20 of 32 articles

The Paraguayan Chaco, South America’s second largest forest, is rapidly disappearing as agriculture extends deeper into what was once forest. Here, isolated stands of trees remain amid the farms. Joel E. Correia

South America’s second-largest forest is also burning – and ‘environmentally friendly’ charcoal is subsidizing its destruction

The cleared land of Paraguay’s Chaco forest produces everyday products like charcoal and leather that are sold abroad to consumers who may never know the unsavory origins of their purchases.
Some people will find it harder than others to choose a new home care service provider to help with gardening or getting out and about. from

Seven steps to help you choose the right home care provider

Older Australians needing extra help at home with bathing or gardening can now choose who provides that service. So what do you need to know before choosing a new service for yourself or a family member?

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