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Articles on Football

Displaying 561 - 580 of 807 articles

Jon Candy

Why it’s so hard to kill off a football club

The case of Bolton Wanderers is yet another example of how different football clubs are to normal companies – and why they rarely pass away into total, terminal, permanent death.
Eye in the sky: the ‘spidercam’ is just one of the technological innovations bringing ever more information to football fans. J. Glover/Wikimedia Commons

Super Bowl 50’s data deluge: How much is too much?

Is there now so much information being shown on football broadcast screens that it’s time for another announcerless game?
We’ve entered the home straight to Euro 2016. EPA/Ian Langsdon

Is European football facing a crisis?

As football grapples with numerous scandals, the Euro 2016 draw brings a welcome focus on the game itself rather than on the intrigue of its boardrooms.
The FFA should pay more attention to recent history, rather than reacting to external forces with dubious intentions. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

The ‘new football’ should stop engaging in ‘old soccer’ debates

No-one seriously believes that football – followed by so many, and accepted as legitimate by most of the community – could be killed off in Australia by a handful of media mouthpieces.
Liberté, egalité, fraternité. Action Images via Reuters / John Sibley

Football united in the face of terror

The beautiful game, the global game, the people’s game – football. This great sport, belongs to everyone and it unites us all.

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