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Articles on Coral

Displaying 61 - 80 of 105 articles

Months after the bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef, signs of the hoped-for recovery are scant. Kirsten Tidswell/Climate Council

The Great Barrier Reef’s ‘new normal’ is a forlorn sight

Member of the Climate Council this week returned to one of the areas of the Great Barrier Reef that was worst affected by this year’s coral bleaching. What they found was far from encouraging.
We think of coral reefs as a diverse ecosystem, but each coral is an entire and complex microworld of organisms imperceptible to our eyes. Floriaan Devloo-Delva

What we have in common with corals and their unexplored microbial world

Just like humans, corals live with myriad microscopic organisms. We are just starting to understand this unseen world.
Microbes living on corals are instrumental in keeping coral reefs healthy. Reuters/David Gray

Healthy microbes make for a resilient Great Barrier Reef

A new study provides insight into coral-dwelling microbial communities and how they react to pollution, overfishing, and climate change. What does it mean for the Great Barrier Reef?
Malcolm Turnbull and his colleagues have pointed $1 billion of the government’s existing green energy funding towards the Great Barrier Reef. AAP/Lukas Coch

PolicyCheck: What are the parties really offering to save the Great Barrier Reef?

The Coalition has ramped up the race to fund the Great Barrier Reef’s protection. All three major parties have promised hundreds of millions of dollars, but where from, and what will they be spent on?
Professor Morgan Pratchett surveys bleached corals on Australia’s GBR. Cassy Thompson, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies

Coral Bleaching Taskforce: more than 1,000 km of the Great Barrier Reef has bleached

Bleaching has hit a huge swathe of the Great Barrier Reef, with many corals in the reef’s remote northern reaches now expected to die as a result of warm waters linked to this summer’s El Niño.
Bleaching events can leave corals weaker in the face of pollution and other stresses. AAP Image/University of Queensland/Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Great Barrier Reef bleaching event: what happens next?

Authorities have moved the Great Barrier Reef onto its highest alert level in response to widespread coral bleaching. Months of monitoring will now be needed to assess the ongoing damage.

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