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Articles on Stigma

Displaying 61 - 80 of 135 articles

Mr Albinism Kenya Jairus Ongetta (L) and Miss Albinism Kenya Loise Lihanda pose at the Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa pageant. YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images

Albinism in Tanzania: what can be done to break the stigma

Because of their appearance, people with albinism in Tanzania are often socially excluded and frequently (and sometimes violently) discriminated against.
Rigiatu Kamara (R), 38, who has recovered from the Ebola virus disease poses with her husband Baibai Kamara (L), 40, in Kenema, Sierra Leone, on August 26, 2014. Photo by Mohammed Elshamy/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Ebola survivors: their health struggles and how best to support them

Ebola survivors use multiple avenues to address their health needs, which presents a management challenge.
Violent protests in Dakar, Senegal, after opposition leader Ousmane Sonko is arrested on a rape charge. Photo by SEYLLOU/AFP via Getty Images

Why few women in Senegal speak out about their rapists

The Senegalese culture of discretion, called “sutura”, inhibits survivors of sexual violence from publicly denouncing perpetrators.
Isolation and segregation create and reinforce another kind of barrier to those with dementia: stigma. (Shutterstock)

How communities can fight the stigma that isolates people with dementia

‘Dementia friendly’ communities seek to support people with memory loss, recognize them as equals, celebrate their contributions and enable them to live with purpose in welcoming communities.
Why have Uber drivers been regarded more favourably than taxi drivers? Lexi Anderson/Unsplash

How Uber drivers avoided — and contributed to — the fate of taxi drivers

Taxi drivers and Uber drivers perform the same work, but Uber’s categorization as a tech company has contributed to the historical stigma against taxi drivers.
Mental health stigma does not only exist at the level of individuals, but also at a structural level that affects care within our health system. (Shutterstock)

Structural stigma against mental illness is ‘baked in’ to our health system, and that affects care

Structural stigma is in the rules, policies and procedures of organizations and society. It’s reflected in systems that treat people with mental illness as less treatable or less deserving of care.
At critical developmental periods when young children are learning about themselves, others and the world, they are frequently seeing pain portrayed unrealistically in kids’ TV shows and movies. (Shutterstock)

Disney, Pixar and Netflix are teaching your children the wrong messages about pain

In children’s media, pain is depicted alarmingly frequently, usually unrealistically and often violently, but without empathy or help. These images of pain send all the wrong messages.

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