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Articles on Wages

Displaying 121 - 140 of 218 articles

The RBA argues that it needs to balance financial stability risks against the need to stimulate the economy through lower interest rates. But this has left inflation running below its target range. DARREN ENGLAND/AAP

The RBA’s shift to worrying about financial stability could be hurting Australian wages

If the RBA continues to sacrifice its inflation target on the altar of financial stability risks, inflation expectations and our wages growth will continue to languish.
The key reason for the squeeze on household spending and saving is of course the ongoing weakness in the growth rate of household disposable income. Lukas Coch/AAP

Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?

The government says personal income tax cuts are needed to provide relief from low wages and high cost of living, but will tax cuts make up for that?
One of the paradoxes of wage policy is that ultimately governments are held responsible and blamed for poor results, but governments are but one player in a complex system of wage adjustment. Lukas Coch/AAP

Governments shouldn’t be so hasty in declaring victory on wages policy

History tells us governments do not always get what they wish for, and in fact often perverse outcomes flow from policy choices.
In Australia, wage growth is lagging productivity growth across most sectors of the economy. Lukas Coch/AAP

The benefits of job automation are not likely to be shared equally

The productivity gains businesses get some automating some jobs, aren’t being passed on to workers in higher wages, evidence shows.
President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

3 key quotes from Trump’s first State of the Union, explained

Trump touted his administration’s economic successes and laid out his immigration plan in an 80-minute speech to Congress. Our experts weigh in.
Having a bullhorn is nice, but workers need more to elevate their voices. AP Photo/David Goldman)

Here’s how workers would spend the corporate tax cut – if they had a voice

Although over 200 CEOs have promised to share windfalls from the recent tax cut with their employers – something the president is likely to bring up in the State of the Union – research suggests workers aren’t holding their breath.
Slightly more optimistic economic figures gives Scott Morrison and the Turnbull government a boost heading into 2018, as the charts explain. Lukas Coch/AAP and The Conversation

Seven charts on the 2017 budget update

Seven charts on the highlights from the government’s mid year update of the budget.
Retail Food Group (RFG) Managing Director Andre Nell (right) and Chairman Colin Archer. The company has been the focus of the latest investigation into franchise problems. Dan Peled/AAP

What is going rotten in the franchise businesses plagued by scandals

There are some hallmark problems within franchising in Australia and internationally and not all are within the franchisor’s or franchisees’ control to fix.
Post-war Australia experienced a boom with full employment and falling inequality. State Library of Queensland

Governments haven’t always shirked responsibility for our low wages

The federal government could restore its commitment to creating full employment in Australia, using its spending power to make up for any shortfall in private jobs as it did during the post-war boom.

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