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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Fortescue founder and current non-executive chairman, Andrew Forrest has been a prominent critic of the federal government’s mining tax. The company has finally launched a much anticipated High Court challenge to the tax. AAP

Fortescue launches High Court challenge to mining tax

Perth-based mining giant Fortescue Metals Group has launched a last-minute High Court action against the mining tax, planning to argue the legislation - due to start on July 1 - breaches the Australian…
As private newspaper companies decline, it will be up to publicly funded media to provide large-scale journalism. Flickr/ finishrunfault

High stakes: can publicly funded journalism fill the gap?

Newspaper revenue is sliding. The economics of supporting large teams of journalists no longer work. The collapse of the print business model will diminish the remaining large private news-gathering organisations…
News limited chief executive Kim Williams has outlined a coherent strategy for the future, while Fairfax has relied on panic tactics, stoking fears of a crisis.

Media earthquake: panic, disinformation, and competing visions at Fairfax and News

So that was the week that was. The Conversation anticipated this would be a big week that required close scrutiny and debate. What we didn’t realise was that first thing Monday morning Fairfax would announce…
Familiar territory: Australia’s tourism pitch to China was well received, but it could have been more adventurous. AAP

A national tourism campaign that takes risks will travel well for Australia

In a symbolic move, Tourism Australia chose Shanghai to launch its new “There’s Nothing Like Australia” campaign. The classic advertising imagery returns us to the pre-Hogan era, before Paul invited prospective…
Facing a sigital future: the costs of getting your message out are no longer an insurmountable bottleneck. AAP

Is the cost of media independence really so high?

As I read it, there is much concern in Australia about Fairfax’s owners becoming more active editorially. But I wonder if this really exposes potentially the lack of value in owning media. In the world…
News Limited CEO Kim William’s plans for cross-media consolidation will have significant ramifications for Australia’s media landscape. AAP

News Limited reveals its convergent future, but will its pay walls pay off?

A week is a long time in the media. Yesterday Kim Williams, the CEO of News Limited, announced a series of reforms to his company. This follows the slash-and-burn announcements by Fairfax Media earlier…
Why is everyone staying silent about the government’s proposed changes to superannuation?

You may be quietly lining up to lose on your superannuation

Silence surrounds significant changes to your superannuation. While the changes affect many, experienced staff in universities and similar institutions are particularly vulnerable. The halving of the contribution…
Journalists are the principal carriers of the lifeblood of democracy - but having fewer voices means we are vulnerable to vested interests. AAP

Fewer voices, less democracy - is this really the media we want?

“A newspaper is a private enterprise owing nothing whatsoever to the public, which grants it no franchise. It is therefore affected with no public interest.” - William Peter Hamilton, a former publisher…
Long-time friend of Gina Rinehart, John Singleton believes she should be able to influence editorial decisions at Fairfax. AAP

With Gina poised, a new class of conservative elites now rule the roost

For years, in the tabloid media and on talkback radio, we’ve been hearing about the domination of Australian politics by a “new class” of left-wing “cultural elites”, but the Rinehart ascendancy at Fairfax…
Trust in the media is at the heart of issues around Gina Rinehart, Fairfax and editorial independence. AAP

Basically, the fight around Fairfax is about who we should trust

Amid indications that Fairfax is going into the corporate death spiral – ongoing disinvestment resulting in smaller market share - we’re asking the wrong questions about the future of the Australian media…
Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam joined forces to protect the independence of The Age in Melbourne’s Fitzroy Gardens in 1991.

Malcolm Fraser: Does it matter who owns our papers? Yes it does

The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald have maintained editorial independence since the foundation of the newspapers. It is an important principle of all great newspapers, but it is a principle that will…
Greece’s New Democracy party leader Antonis Samaras has gained sufficient votes to form a coalition - but there is a long way to go for Greeks yet. AAP

Greece stays with austerity, but scenarios abound

Greece’s New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras begins the task of building a coalition after emerging as the front runner to form a government. Reports indicate New Democracy has narrowly beaten leftist…
In the aftermath of the Greek elections, there have been renewed calls to accompany austerity measures with pro-growth policies.

Austerity and growth: trying to make sense of a contradiction

Having read that the outcome of the Greek elections points to a continuation of the push for fiscal austerity in that country, my heart sunk. Then I see that our own Prime Minister has been quoted as telling…
Can ethical markets solve the problems of persistent poverty and global income inequality? Michelle Brea

Challenge 7: The market, morals, ethics, and poverty

In part seven of our multi-disciplinary Millennium Project series, Adrian Walsh argues that a humane market asks something of us that we may not want to give. Global challenge 7: How can ethical market…
Gina Rinehart is poised to seize control of Fairfax. AAP

Fairfax or Gina-fax? Let’s have the debate before it’s over

The next two weeks will be defining moments for Australia. It’s when Fairfax is likely to morph into Gina-fax. On Tuesday Gina Rinehart, the world’s richest woman, is expected to confirm that she has acquired…
Worst hit by the Asian financial crisis in 1998, Indonesia’s economy has returned to pre-crisis growth rates. What lessons are there for Greece? Flickr/Cillian Storm

Can Greece learn from the story of Indonesia in the Asian financial crisis?

European financial woes are mounting daily is what some have called the biggest economic challenge of our generation. However, just over a decade ago an even larger financial crisis was unfolding in Australia’s…
Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza) party, has proposed the cancellation of Greece’s agreements with the European Union and the IMF. AAP

With Europe at debt’s door, the future hinges on Greece’s election result

All eyes are on Greece this weekend for the second legislative election in five weeks. This is no ordinary election: the global implications of the outcome might be significant. Griffith University lecturer…
Thanks to digital medium such as email and Facebook, privacy is being eroded in the workplace - yet Australians appear to show a worrying lack of concern about this. Flickr/Nathan O'Nions

The end of privacy in the digital workplace

The development of digital monitoring and surveillance has increased dramatically over the past decade and pervades all aspects of everyday life, to the extent that most people don’t even notice it. In…