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Articles on Psychology

Displaying 961 - 980 of 1881 articles

During the holiday season, we are faced with social commitments that sometimes means spending time with people who grate on our nerves. Make sure to also spend time with people who help to refuel you. (Unsplash)

How to survive annoying relatives this holiday season

All of us have allergies to people whose seemingly inconsequential behaviour repulses us. Here’s how to deal with it this holiday season.
Perfectionists are rarely satisfied with their performance or appearance and engage in harsh self-criticism when their efforts fall short. Perfectionists are also more likely to develop the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, according to new research. (Shutterstock)

Perfectionists more likely to develop bulimia: New research

Perfectionists have a higher chance of developing bulimia nervosa. Rather than treating symptoms of binge eating and vomiting, therapists should address this underlying personality trait.
You can’t test for autism with a simple blood test or scan, which can make the diagnostic process difficult and dependent on the skill and experience of the clinician. altanaka/Shutterstock

New autism guidelines aim to improve diagnostics and access to services

Current rules about who meets the eligibility criteria for autism support services are patchy and inconsistent, meaning those with the greatest need don’t necessarily have the greatest access.
Visiting an extreme haunted house can be delightfully terrifying. AP Photo/John Minchillo

Why is it fun to be frightened?

Visiting a haunted house or watching a horror movie can be terrifying and enjoyable at the same time. A sociologist explains the psychological benefits of being safely scared.

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