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Articles on Immigration

Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 1169 articles

Greens leader Natalie Bennett at the party’s manifesto launch. Alastair Grant/AP

Manifesto Check: the Green Party’s top policies

Our experts review the evidence behind the Green Party’s big ticket policies.
Traffic congestion in the major cities is expected to cost Australians A$20.4 billion a year by 2020. Image sourced from

The tenuous link between population and prosperity

Linking population growth with productivity and labour participation is problematic, just one of many questionable assumptions made in the Intergenerational Report.
All welcome! Jimmy Walker via Wikimedia Commons

What the Romans can teach us on immigration and integration

As a Roman historian, I’m struck by how often people ask why the Roman empire ended, since a far more interesting question is surely how it managed to survive for such a long time while extended over such…
Detecting migration fraud remains a massive challenge for minister Peter Dutton’s Department of Immigration. AAP/Paul Miller

Australia needs resources, not more laws, to beat migration fraud

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has asked for an urgent review into the circumstances of two Sydney men, Omar Al-Kutobi and Mohammad Kiad, who are accused of plotting a terrorist attack on Australian…
A drawing by a six-year-old child detained at the Christmas Island detention centre. AAP/AHRC

Report calls for royal commission into children in immigration detention: experts respond

The federal government has tabled the long-awaited Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) report into children held in immigration detention. The report, which recommends a royal commission be held…
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has so far continued in the ‘bad cop’, border protector image of his predecessor, Scott Morrison. AAP/Lukas Coch

Shaping 2015: The boats have stopped, now the real work begins in immigration

2014 was the year of triumphant press conferences at which the Abbott government affirmed its determination to “stop the boats” and outlined its success at doing so. However, 2015 is likely to be much…

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