A French trial will use virtual reality headsets to trigger empathy in perpetrators. But previous research findings suggest we need to be sceptical of claims about what the technology can do.
Empathy is an important factor in getting people to act on environmental issues. Virtual reality can bring oceans closer to home for those who can’t experience the wealth of marine ecosystems.
Facebook is adamant its new “smart glasses” won’t be a privacy nightmare. But it is clearly bidding to normalise the use of wearable tech. And if video Ray-Bans go mainstream, what comes next?
Researchers are using mixed reality technologies to investigate how people behave in in emergency situations. The findings are helping shape disaster responses.
Augmented reality has largely enjoyed cover from critique by being taken as a benign gaming technology. But recent developments suggest we need to get serious about it.
Information about the Holocaust may be easy to find online, but the best sites offer artifacts and authentic accounts from people who survived the experience, a Holocaust scholar argues.