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Articles sur #MeToo

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 117 articles

Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer in Gaslight (1944), the film that inspired the now widely used term. Metro Goldwyn-Mayer

Explainer: what does ‘gaslighting’ mean?

The term ‘gaslighting’ is now liberally used but what does it mean and where did it come from?
Thursday night football in the community of Wadeye, about 420 kilometres south-west of Darwin in the Northern Territory. J. Louth

How sport can tackle violence against women and girls

Primary prevention programs with a footballing focus aim to change behaviours and attitudes among men towards women.
Two in five Australian women have experienced physical or sexual violence. Jorge Flores

Four in ten Australians think women lie about being victims of sexual assault

Australians are more aware of domestic violence and sexual assault than before. But a worrying proportion blame victims for abuse, think women are lying, and don’t believe consent is always necessary.
‘Women for Trump’ listening to President Donald Trump speak at a campaign rally in Wheeling, WV, in September. AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Republican women are just fine, thank you, with being Republican

The GOP’s handling of sexual assault allegations against prominent GOP figures has led some to conclude that the party does not respect women. But GOP women are sticking with their party.
Il y a un an, l'affaire Weinstein signait le début du mouvement #MeToo. Plos Blogs

Un an après #MeToo, qu’est-ce qui a changé ?

Il y a un an, le hashtag #MeToo envahissait les réseaux sociaux. Si le harcèlement sexiste était déjà dénoncé, l'ampleur du phénomène marque un tournant dans la prise en compte des victimes.
La candidate amérindienne Deb Haaland qui postule à un siège au Congrès, ici en campagne le 1er octobre, à Albuquerque (Nouveau-Mexique). Mark Ralston/AFP

Aux États-Unis, le temps des femmes

Il se passe quelque chose aux États-Unis : les femmes se sont massivement mobilisées lors des primaires précédant les élections de mi-mandat et nombre d’entre elles pourraient être élues.
Activists protest in Barcelona, Spain on June 21, 2018. A Spanish court triggered a new wave of outrage by granting bail to five men acquitted of gang rape and convicted instead on a lesser felony of sexual abuse, a case that has shocked Spain. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Rethinking the penalties for rape

Germaine Greer’s recent comments about the punishments for rape show the need for more complex, evidence-based discussions about trauma and the criminal justice system.
In this Nov. 12, 2017 file photo, participants march against sexual assault and harassment at the #MeToo March in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Lawmakers are expected to take up bills to crack down on sexual harassment when they return from their summer recess in August 2018. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes,file)

When is #MeToo coming to my workplace? Eight things you can do now

While the #MeToo movement has been revolutionary, some workplaces will be slow to change. Here are seven things we can all do to help stop toxic work environments.
In a survey of 159 academics, nearly half reported sexual abuse or harassment. "Fight sexism": graffiti in Turin November 2016

Sexual abuse, harassment and discrimination ‘rife’ among Australian academics

Academics and PhD students from a number of Australian universities have reported sexualised bullying, unfair workloads, sexual harassment and in some cases even sexual assault, usually from their superiors and supervisors.
De #MeToo à #WeTooGether… Affiches appelant au Rassemblements en soutien aux victimes de harcèlement sexuel en octobre 2017. Jeanne Menjoulet/Flickr

Mouvement #BalanceTonPorc : ce qu’en disent les étudiants

Les enseignements d’une étude qualitative auprès d’étudiants en école de management sur la suite du mouvement #MeToo. Beaucoup de questions restent ouvertes.
Hommes répugnants et porcs: une association qui date. Shutterstock

#BalanceTonPorc ou pourquoi cochon rime avec sexe

Que révèle le porc du slogan #BalanceTonPorc ? S’agit-il d’une simple insulte ou d’une référence péjorative à l’animalité ? Retour historique des deux côtés de l’Atlantique.

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