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Articles on Childhood obesity

Displaying 61 - 80 of 118 articles

A staple daily diet for millions of South Africans is this traditional porridge, known as “pap”, made from mielie-meal (ground maize). Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

What’s driving sub-Saharan Africa’s malnutrition problem?

Food insecurity is not only a cause of bad food choices, it is a result of the economics and geographies of the food system.
Children will learn to like vegetables if they’re regularly exposed to them from a young age. Zadorozhnyi Viktor/Shutterstock

Health Check: how to get kids to eat healthy food

Hippocrates said circa 400BC that “food should be our medicine and medicine should be our food”. He would probably turn in his grave if he saw the amount of highly processed, sugary food and drinks marketed…
Current guidelines ignore the fact that young Australians use screens for homework, social media and entertainment. Andrew Plumb/Flickr

Two-hour screen limit for kids is virtually impossible to enforce

It’s almost universally recommended that for optimal physical and mental health, children engage in 60 minutes of physical activity each day and limit the time they spend watching TV, playing computer…
Australia tops the world for physical activity-friendly built environments but ranks second last for levels of children’s activity. drpavlof/Flickr

Australia vying to be world champion of inactivity

If we could go back 100 years in a time machine, what would kids be like? They’d be shorter, leaner, probably dirtier and less well-fed — but would they be fitter? It turns out we actually have a beautiful…
If only kids asked for this every day. Healthy lunchbox via Dream79/Shutterstock

Fat is a classroom issue and primary schools must tackle it

A fifth of four- to five-year-old children in England are overweight or obese, rising to one third by age ten to 11 years. This stark increase during the primary school years points to the potential contribution…

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