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Articles on Jobs

Displaying 401 - 420 of 454 articles

Unemployed South Africans wait for work outside a factory gate in downtown Johannesburg. A wage subsidy could help reduce the numbers by offering opportunities to school leavers. Reuters

How a wage subsidy can alleviate South Africa’s youth unemployment

South Africa’s unemployment figures have been stubbornly high over the past two decades. One policy measure that could help alleviate the pressure is a youth wage subsidy.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (left) and Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt (centre) prior to the Queensland Budget being delivered in State Parliament in Brisbane. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Queensland’s budget puts it back on track to be a smart state

The Palaszczuk government’s first budget for Queensland has promised to drive new investement and jobs in the knowledge based sectors.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised economic growth and good times ahead for India, but faces many challenges. Jane Dempster/AAP

Speaking with: Anthony D'Costa on the challenges facing India’s economy

Speaking with Anthony D'Costa on the challenges facing India’s economy
With about half of its population under the age of 25, how will India create enough jobs to cater for the millions of young people entering its workforce?
Not at loggerheads: jobs and the environment can coexist in Queensland’s north. Willem van Aken/CSIRO/Wikimedia Commons

Jobs versus the environment: the debate Queensland can end

Do politicians really have to choose between being pro-development or pro-environment? No, says Allan Dale, and Queensland’s new government has the chance to prove it.

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