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Articles on Jobs

Displaying 321 - 340 of 454 articles

It’s not just workers on building sites that will feel the pinch of the construction downturn. David Maiuz/AAP

The hollow promise of construction-led jobs and growth

The threat of a loss of jobs in the the industries that support construction reveals the problem in relying on building to sustain the economy.
Gig workers saw their work as flexible but also with its risks. Reynaldo Vasconcelos/Newzulu/AAP

‘The way they manipulate people is really saddening’: study shows the trade-offs in gig work

A study shows the reality of gig worker experiences is far more nuanced than enjoying flexible work or being exploited.
University students experiment with human-robot interaction and autonomous manipulation, two elements of manufacturing’s future. Nikolaus Correll

To really help US workers, we should invest in robots

Today, the U.S. is leading the robotics revolution. But without timely investment, China will overtake us, and could permanently put Americans out of work.

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